Training Options

Our Training Delivery Options

Our flexible blended delivery options at opur place or yours

Training Delivery Options (offered on enrolment if available for the course) Scroll down for course locations and bookings


Express Delivery (Most Popular)

Requires completion of pre-course online learning before attending a shorter face-to-face session. You must have internet access and reasonable computer skills.


Standard Face to Face Delivery

Only available to certain groups and organisations by pre-arranged agreement. All training and assessment tasks are completed during the face-to-face session of your training, with no pre-course online e-learning. This option will occur an additional fee to cover printing and processing, and there will be an additional time required. (depending on the course) to complete these paper-based assessments on the day.  Save our environment time and money by not selecting this option. The online learning system is easy.

100% Online

100% Online Delivery – only available for selected courses

The course is delivered with 100% online with pre practical online learning and the practical components are done via video or online meetings at a set time. You may be required to purchase or have an equipment package delivered before your online assessment.


Public Courses

Delivered as part of our advertised course program at dates times and venues set by us. You can access our public course programs here.
Courses may be delivered by any option – Express – Standard – 100% Online.


Onsite Courses

Delivered at workplaces or for employers or community groups at their venue or workplace. Pricing available depending on delivery mode and student numbers. Contact us for a quote
Courses may be delivered by any option – Express – Standard – 100% Online.

Training Delivery Options

Our training methodologies

We deliver our courses by using a range of delivery strategies in classrooms, community facilities onsite/online and in the workplace.

Adults have different ways of learning, and workers in the emergency sector may have a widely varied scope of practice and experience. So, our content and learning methodologies should be able to be contextualised to a variety of training environments to reflect those needs. We believe a supportive and flexible learning environment and methodology provides the best outcome for students. Our educational philosophy for all learners is summed up in our 10 Paramedical Clinical teaching tips.

International Paramedic College Pty Ltd can provide several flexible training and delivery methods for various units, and qualifications that can be readily adapted to meet the needs of our diverse client base with varying levels of clinical experience, expertise, and current knowledge in the health care sector. This flexibility is designed into our training and assessment programs because of the broad range of previous student experience, existing current competencies and renewal or refreshing previously held qualifications, common to this sector.

Our delivery methods are deliberately designed to meet rapid changes and adaptive measures, for example those bought on by the nature and dynamic changes of the Covid-19 epidemic. The lifestyle and community changes it has created in the way we gather, work and share information were immense. Certain adaptions or modifications to all our operations, training, assessment and mode of delivery may be made to applications, enrolments, training, and assessment strategies. Changes in recommendations by industry bodies such as the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC). The Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC), (ASQA), and the appropriate health or government authorities and so on will need to be reflected in training and assessment strategies. Adaptations may be required to quickly implement rapid changes in health orders, government regulations and peak body regulations or guidelines.

A holistic approach to education – that addresses students’ learning, social and emotional needs, is crucial. As society evolves through changes, the way students work, learn and live is changing. Issues such as attendance at group training, length of time that students are together, outdoor, or indoor venues,, community fears, apprehensions, and hesitancy require us as a training provider to have options that will allow equity and access to training.

Flexibility in our delivery methods means that students will make a choice or self-assessment of the various methodologies available to find a training approach that fits their circumstances, as it cannot be a “one size fits all” approach for every student, workplace group or cohort.

Our team will work with our clients, where possible, to identify the best delivery method and differentiate the client’s needs or mix and match those methodologies and levels of delivery to provide an optimal learning and assessment outcome for different levels of student experience and knowledge. As educators and trainers, our education staff can adapt the methodologies appropriately.

Reasonable adjustment may include access to online learning or paper-based assessments for those who are unable to complete the online assessment tasks. Reasonable adjustment does not include individual instruction in our group/class-based courses. Our office can provide a quote for individual instruction, or small groups if required.

Listed below are the key characteristics of various learning and delivery models that will be adapted through units and qualifications delivered by International Paramedic College Pty Ltd. Delivery strategies may be mixed.

Standard – No Pre-course Learning Online -Traditional Face-to-Face Training – Workshop/Classroom-based

No pre-course learning is required. You attend the class, and all aspects of the training are completed in the course session.

This delivery method involves groups of students, and all elements of the training and assessment are being delivered in the face-to-face setting.

This training will take a longer time frame to deliver and offers the opportunity to interact with the trainer delivering the information, learning, and assessment tasks.

Often conducted in groups or organisations, prices may vary.

Express – Blended training – Online study with a practical face-to-face component/or delivered online – Most Popular

Suitable as refresher training or for new learners, it is our most popular option. This delivery method is cheaper than the traditional face-to-face and will allow students to complete some enhanced online learning and assessment tasks online before attending a face-to-face, classroom-based practical training and assessment session. (Depending on the course).

Students are expected to learn the knowledge-based components online and then have a reduced classroom time, which is focused on the assessment of many practical scenarios. Formal or informal knowledge is completed before the practical sessions, assessments can be conducted face to face in a reduced time frame. Pre-course learning is online and may include quizzes, videos or enhanced learning interactions as part of our enhanced learning materials before attending the face-to-face training and assessment session.

The face-to-face sessions could be delivered onsite. Appropriate topics are covered in a more limited way than the face-to-face sessions, along with assessment elements (practical and theory need to demonstrate competence in the practical parts of the course).

This training will take a shorter time frame to deliver and offers slightly less opportunity than the “traditional chalk and talk” to interact with the trainer delivering the information. Time frames can vary depending on if the student cohort is refreshing previous skills and the size of the group and the number of trainers/assessors involved.

100% Online Training

This style of learning is suited more to students who have previously undertaken the same courses, or a very similar type, of course. The students must be confident in computer use and learning online Zoom type meetings or interactions.

The online knowledge and theory assessment are delivered through International Paramedic College's unique online learning and assessment systems.

Course participants must have access to the required practical equipment and course resources, which will include a suitable computer, microphone, and reliable internet access.

Students may be required to provide video evidence of some course elements and a photo ID for some courses. Some assessments require students to video themselves completing certain assessment elements. For these courses, students will need either a smartphone or a camera attached to a computer or tablet to be able to complete these video assessments.

This type of training will have minimal trainer education, and students should arrive at the session ready to demonstrate the practical assessments. The trainer will only allocate a small amount of time to clarify the assessment tasks or the required skills that must be demonstrated.

This delivery method allows students to complete enhanced online learning and assessment before attending a face-to-face, group, individual or online individual training and assessment session. It looks to deliver the training component via the enhanced learning materials or interaction with a trainer before assessment of practical skills.

Formal or informal knowledge and practical sessions assessments can be conducted online and may include quizzes or enhanced learning interactions as part of our enhanced learning materials before attending the face-to-face training and assessment session.

The Face-to-face practical sessions could be delivered onsite or online with appropriate course equipment. Appropriate topics are covered in the face-to-face session, along with assessment elements (practical and theory need to demonstrate competence).

This training will take a shorter time frame to deliver and offers the opportunity to interact with the trainer delivering the information. Time frames can vary depending on if the student cohort is refreshing previous skills and the size of the group and the number of trainers involved.

Refresher Training

This delivery method involves the same enhanced pre-course learning as the express blended or online learning or 100% online training but may be completed in a quicker time frame as participants have existing are only refreshing current skills. Training and assessment can be adapted to meet the needs of our diverse client base with varying levels of clinical experience, expertise, and current knowledge and qualifications in the health care sector.

Any practical assessment tasks can be delivered as in the examples described above. Any Pre- or post-course work time may be significantly reduced because of the learner’s previous and existing experience and knowledge. Refresher training can be combined with blended training, so those who do not have the experience suitable for refresher training can attend the same face-to-face session short course format or online methods of delivery.

To ensure students know the specific requirements for their course, we will provide marketing material to explain course delivery types and methodologies 

Student considerations in course delivery style?

Student trainers’ assessors and administration should consider that certain delivery methods will not suit certain students. For example, the Online Training delivery method will not suit those who require assistance and face-to-face interaction with learning or who do not have the relevant computer skills or access to reliable internet.

Some factors to consider when completing online learning include:

  • Does the student have adequate numeracy and literacy skills?
  • Does the student have adequate digital literacy skills?
  • Does the student have any learning disabilities?
  • Has the student completed a similar type of course before, or is this the first time they have completed this type of training?
  • As most of the learning is completed online, does the student have access to a suitable computer, compatible operating system, specific software, and adequate internet access?
  • Has the student completed online learning previously?

Consider the responses to these types of questions. Students may be better suited to completing the blended or face-to-face courses, where our trainer can spend more time in a face-to-face environment.

If students or trainers would like to discuss options before enrolment, they can do so by contacting one of our team members on 1300 244 994

Public Courses

Delivered as part of our advertised course program at dates, times, and venues set by us. You can access our public course programs here.

Onsite Training

Delivered at workplaces or for employers or community groups at their venue or workplace. Pricing is available depending on delivery mode and travel. Contact us for a quote.