Evans Head First Aid Course, CPR & Childcare First Aid
Call 1300 244 994
We can run any of our accredited 1st aid courses in onsite in Evans Head. We are a locally based boutique learning organisation with a national presence and global outlook from first aid, CPR, and childcare first aid certificate courses in Ballina, Lismore and Alstonville to a range of advanced first aid and paramedic training courses and services delivered nationally, in Australia, and a global paramedic training and services.
Locally we are the premier provider of accredited first aid, CPR, and childcare accredited first aid courses and certificates in the Northern Rivers, Richmond River or Tweed River areas. We can also deliver our accredited first aid courses at your venues in Byron Bay, Ocean Shores, Mullumbimby, Casino, Kyogle or Coraki. Give us a yell, and we can come to you across the entire north coast region. We have the answers to your first aid questions on AED, CPR Childcare First Aid or Paramedic courses or services.
Join us today and learn from experts in what is often voted “the most trusted profession” passionate intensive care paramedic professionals.
Contact us to organise training at your venue for your group or call 1300 244 994
First Aid Kits and Supplies
Yes, we have a range of innovative workplace compliant first aid kits and supplies. From the amazing CAT tourniquet for arterial bleeding and the emergency bandages in our shark attack pack featured in the Northern Star newspaper to our 25 essentials first aid kit or the Setopress bandage for snake bite. Training is our thing, so we will also train you how to use these products.
Buy a DEFIB / AED – Local sales training and support
We sell Automatic External Defibrillators (AED). We have some great value packs for small business, church groups, sporting clubs, charities, or individual or organisation that is community minded. An Automated External Defibrillator or AED is a small, portable, easy to operate lifesaving medical devices designed to deliver an electrical shock to a person to improve the success of CPR in Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). We can give specific tailored training and support for a range of first aid products, ambulance and paramedic supplies.
“Freedom From Fear” approach
We have a unique “freedom from fear” systematic approach to treating patients that helps you understand the whole picture. We provide a simple first aid plan to follow so you see the “sum of the parts” and allow you to confidently treat patients effectively, free from the fear that can overwhelm you.
This approach was developed by clinical experience as intensive care paramedics and clinicians at the cutting edge of emergency medicine, paramedic and first aid training.
“Primum non nocere” – “First do no harm”
Is an approach as old as medicine itself? Our “freedom from fear” approach to training is centred around mentoring our learners to help others, free from the fear that they might make things worse, helping them understand the “why and how”?
First Aid Kits and Supplies
We have a full range of first aid kits and supplies that we can deliver.
Our “25 essentials first aid pack” has everything you need in an emergency and nothing more. It includes the astonishing emergency bandage.
We sell Automatic External Defibrillators (AED). They are small, portable, easy to operate lifesaving medical devices designed to deliver an electrical shock to a person who is in Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). We can give specific tailored training and support for a range of first aid products, ambulance and paramedic supplies.
Our Pricing
International Paramedic College guarantees not to be beaten on price, and we do that without taking shortcuts on the quality of what we do because we are proud of what we do.
If you are quoted a lower price elsewhere, for the same training course we will match or beat that price, and we believe you will be getting “real” professional paramedics doing the training, as a bonus.
For workplace or group training at your facility, please call with the details of the price you have been quoted. We will match the price, and book you into our course.
Workplace Training Enquiry
Alstonville – Ballina – Bangalow – Brunswick Heads – Byron Bay – Casino –Coffs Harbour– Evans Head – Grafton – Iluka – Kingscliff – Kyogle – Lennox Head – Lismore – Maclean – Mullumbimby – Murwillumbah – Ocean Shores – Yamba
Paramedical EMT Medic & First Responder courses
Most of the units can be delivered 100% online. Short practical time frames in all metropolitan cities and some regional areas of Australia. Live webinars with real paramedics where you can Q&A what you need to learn. The practical components can be done via video or online meetings at set times. We can also deliver our scope of courses by face-to-face methods. We have a number of flexible mixed mode delivery options and pathways training. Our unique learning systems use industry reference textbooks. Australian textbooks like the Principals of paramedic practice and paramedic skills manual textbooks are used to support and focus your learning via industry standards. Our curriculum is unique, written by us, not some generic health content, it is focused on teaching you relevant and real paramedic skills.
We have a unique paramedical pathway educational program where you can journey through our medic and paramedical education units on your way to becoming a paramedic, so it takes no extra time but gives you the advantage of low upfront costs, a taste of what the career might be like and gets you qualifications such as the
Certificate II in Medical Service First Response
Certificate III in Basic Health Care
Certificate lll in Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT)
Certificate IV in Health Care (Medic Ambulance EMT First Responder)
Diploma of Emergency Health Care (Paramedical pre-hospital care training)
You can work your way through the qualifications in our unique pathways approach which costs you no more money or time, saves you upfront costs and gives you qualifications along the way to the Diploma of Emergency Health Care and use that to gain entry to employment or for advanced standing or RPL for University study to the Bachelor’s Degree in Paramedic Practice. Each University in Australia has programs to recognise prior learning and studies.
RPL - RCC - Credit Transfer
Fixed Pricing for RPL RCC - Certificate Qualifications
Emergency Medic - Paramedical -
EMT - First Responder
We are the pre-hospital care experts on RPL RCC in Australia
- Cert II RPL Fixed Pricing
- Cert III RPL Fixed Pricing
- Cert III NEPT RPL Fixed Pricing
- Cert IV RPL Fixed Pricing
- Diploma RPL Fixed Pricing
HLT21020 Certificate II in Medical Service First Response
$650 Fixed Price RPL / RCC
We will book a zoom session with you to discuss your application and let you know if it is possible to get RPL with your current evidence and what evidence would be required in your case, prior to payment of any fees
If your evidence is insufficient for a grant of RPL you may complete gap training at a discounted price
You will be required to have a current first aid certificate (HLTAID011)
HLT31220 – Certificate III in Basic Health Care
$750 Fixed Price RPL / RCC
We will book a zoom session with you to discuss your application and let you know if it is possible to get RPL with your current evidence and what evidence would be required in your case, prior to payment of any fees
If your evidence is insufficient for a grant of RPL you may complete gap training at a discounted price
You will be required to have a current first aid certificate (HLTAID011)
HLT31120 Certificate III in Non-Emergency Patient Transport
$850 Fixed Price RPL / RCC
We will book a zoom session with you to discuss your application and let you know if it is possible to get RPL with your current evidence and what evidence would be required in your case, prior to payment of any fees
If your evidence is insufficient for a grant of RPL you may complete gap training at a discounted price
You will be required to have a current first aid certificate (HLTAID011)
HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care (First responder EMT Medic)
Ambulance EMT Medic Course
$1250 Fixed Price RPL / RCC
We will book a zoom session with you to discuss your application and let you know if it is possible to get RPL with your current evidence and what evidence would be required in your case, prior to payment of any fees
If your evidence is insufficient for a grant of RPL you may complete gap training at a discounted price
HLT51020 Diploma of Emergency Health Care (Paramedical Training)
$1995 Fixed Price RPL / RCC
We will book a zoom session with you to discuss your application and let you know if it is possible to get RPL with your current evidence and what evidence would be required in your case, prior to payment of any fees
If your evidence is insufficient for a grant of RPL you may complete gap training at a discounted price