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Course Selector

Payments/Transfers Refund and Cancellation Policy

We operate fair and equitable fees, student transfer and refunds policy for people who undertake training, purchase products or services from International Paramedic College Pty Ltd.

We hope you understand that a training business sells places in courses. In our short courses, like an airline or a hotel, once the date has passed, we cannot sell the place in that course again, which is why we ask for notice of any changes. We often shut off online bookings as courses fill up, so we lose any potential bookings and potential customers. When we reschedule your place in a course, we then lose another seat that could have been sold or for someone who needs to complete the course quickly for work purposes.

Your enrolment in our courses is acceptance of our fees, refund policy and our terms and conditions set out here, on our website and in our student handbook. Please read and review these policies before enrolling in your course. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

If, after reading our policy, you would like to apply for a refund or other consideration, please do so by email to training@internationalparamediccollege.com.au Our non-refundable administration fee will be applied as indicated in this policy. Please allow up to 2 weeks for any refund to be processed.

No refunds are available for cancellations less than 7 days before practical training. All notice must be given in writing by email.

Notification of cancellation/withdrawal from unit/s of competency, withdrawal, or deferral from a course of study must be made in writing (email is acceptable) to International Paramedic College (IPC). We incur certain fees and administrative expenses in processing enrolment applications. If students do not attend courses and fail to give the required notice to us, we are unable to offer that place to another student.

 Refunds will not be issued when

  • A student arrives late to a course
  • Withdrawal from a course is less than 7 days before course commencement.
  • A student wants to leave a course before the advertised completion time of the course
  • Changes occur in student’s work hours
  • Changes occur in a student’s personal life
  • Student change of mind.
  • It becomes inconvenient for a student to travel to class
  • A student moves interstate
  • A student changes jobs or becomes retrenched
  • A student leaves before finishing course/unit of competency
  • A student is expelled from the training centre for any reason by the trainer
  • A certificate has been processed and emailed to the student
  • An online course has been accessed
  • A student enrols in a qualification or unit of study and the 5-day cooling-off period has expired.
  • The 5-day cooling-off period for only applies to enrolment in our Certificate II, Certificate III, Certificate IV, or Diploma programs. No refund will apply once the cooling-off period has expired for any reason.
  • Students enter a payment plan with us for a qualification.

Students should understand that your course commences on enrolment in our courses, not just at attendance at practical sessions.


Where 7 days’ or more notice has been provided by email or in writing, we will process a refund of course fees less our administration fee of $35.00.for 1 day courses with practical attendance e.g. First Aid CPR

Where a payment plan agreement is in place. The payment plan will be terminated within 7 days of IPC receiving notification of your withdrawal from a qualification. No certificates or Statements of attainment will be issued as per the terms and conditions in the payment plan agreement. The payment plan registration fee is not refundable.

Training is deemed to commence on processing of your application and confirming your enrolment by email. You have been given access to commence the course. Any cancellation by you will incur an admin fee. Course materials have been accessed, no refunds will be issued. Please consider notifying us in advance and rescheduling as an option if you cannot attend.

Rescheduling Short course Practical attendance – Course transfer/ Change of course date

Any course rescheduling or changes will incur a $35 administration fee as a rebooking charge unless we receive 7 days notice by email. Contact must be made by email.

A course transfer is not available to students who “fail to show” for the class or who do not give the required 3 working days’ notice by email.

Courses are often booked out, so course transfer is only allowed once for free, subject to 3 working days’ notice by email.

Failure to provide 3 working days’ notice or multiple transfers requires payment of the rebooking fee to transfer or change your booking in any way.

Places must be available in the course you would like to transfer too. Course transfer is only available if there are vacancies in the selected alternate course.

Rebooking Fees/Restoring cancelled enrolments for failure to complete online learning

A $35 rebooking fee will automatically be charged in the following situations.

  1. You want to reschedule your training for whatever reason with less than the required 3 working days’ notice outlined above
  2. You fail to attend your scheduled training
  3. You reschedule your training more than once
  4. You want us to transfer an enrolment from one student to another name within 3 days of your written withdrawal from a course and before practical course commencement.
  5. We will give you an additional 2 days to complete your pre course learning as part of reasonable adjustment. If this is not done, your enrolment will be marked as cancelled in our system. You cannot be issued a certificate. An additional fee of $35 will apply if we need to restore your enrolment after your additional 2 days.

When a student enrols in a course offered by International Paramedic College Pty Ltd and pays a course fee, it means a binding contract is created between the student and International Paramedic College.


  1. Arrive at a course late
  2. Depart a course early
  3. Fail to attend
  4. Do not give the requirement 3 working days’ notice of changes

Students who arrive late for any reason, after the scheduled course start time, may be denied access to training and be required to pay an additional admin fee to transfer the booking to an alternative date. Payment links below.

The offer to re-book reschedule or in any way change your course date and any payment of a re-booking fee or admin fee is only valid for 2 weeks after your original course booking date. After that time, you will be required to pay the full course fee again to book a course.

Payment of the re-booking fee must be made within 2 weeks of your original course dates. Please provide us with your requested alternative dates at checkout.

Course dates are available on our website

If you feel you are entitled to other consideration, please email us for a review of your situation.

Administration Fee

We charge an administration fee for each enrolment, and this is non-refundable.

If required, any payment of the administration fee can be made online here

We will make course refunds to students in certain circumstances as listed in the table below

Circumstance Circumstance
Withdrawing from a training program Students are entitled to a refund of fees paid as per our refund terms and conditions if they withdraw and notify us in writing/email at least 7 working days before the scheduled start of the training program. An administration fee will apply to cover fees and costs.
If students withdraw within 7 working days before the scheduled start of the training program, no refund will be made.
If a training program is cancelled before commencement by us You will be entitled to a full refund of fees paid

Course transfer or refunds are not available to students who “fail to show” for the class, arrive late, or who do not give the required notice.

Fees and Charges Table

Fee or Charge Amount
Non-refundable Administration Fee $35
Payment plan registration fee varies depending upon qualification and is set on each qualification page. Non-refundable  
Late payment of Invoices will incur an administration fee for every contact/reminder seeking payment unless prior payment terms have been arranged in writing. $35
RPL Applications have a non-refundable $100 charge for to cover initial assessment $100

If required, any payment of the administration fee can be made online here

Refund Guarantee

If, for any reason, we cannot complete the training, you will be entitled to a refund of fees proportional to the amount of training not delivered

Course Revisions, e.g., : First Aid changed to Childcare First Aid or CPR

For short courses of less than 1 day’s duration, any changes to your course booking will require payment of any difference in the scheduled course fee and our administration fee to process the changes.

If the course is of a lesser value than the difference, less our administration fee of $35 will be refunded. Any course revisions are subject to 3 working days’ notice in writing by email.

You may be required to attend additional training and assessment.

Because of the nature of competency-based training and assessment, you may be required to attend the full course again.

Please contact us by phone on 1300244994 to organise payment.

 Fee Protection

We are aware of our obligations as a Registered Training Organisation to protect any student fees paid in advance. To this effect, we have the following policy in place: we do not collect fees in advance of more than $1500.

 Payment Plans

Where course fees are over $1500 in total, individual students will have to sign an agreed payment plan on enrolment. This plan will give payment dates and the amount of the instalment. It is your responsibility to ensure this payment is made. We will charge an additional administration fee if we do not receive the payment and have to contact you to make arrangements to pay. An invoice will be issued and access to online learning may be restricted until payment is made.

If there is default on the payment plan, the following may occur: Suspension from accessing or attending training and assessment until the outstanding debt is paid. Referral to a debt collection agency after a period of 60 days and your enrolment will be cancelled.

Students who are participating in a payment plan have the option to request a suspension of payments for up to 2 months during the plan’s term, under the following compassionate circumstances:

  1. The student suffers from an illness or injury that results in an, impacting their ability to complete their course.
  2. A serious illness or injury occurs to someone within the student’s immediate family or household.
  3. There is a death within the student’s immediate family or household,
  4. Other issues will be considered on a case by case bases. 

Please email us for special consideration of your circumstances, and we will endeavour to help where possible. It is the responsibility of the student to contact us back within the 2-month time frame to reestablish the payment plan.

Documentation or evidence supporting these circumstances may be required to process the suspension request.

No refunds for any portion of the course fees will be given for any reason under this payment plan agreement. No certificates or statements of attainment will be issued until payment of the full course amount and any fees under schedule 8 are paid in full by the student. The Student confirms they are over 18 years of age.

The full terms and conditions of our payment plans, available where you sign up here

Fees for RPL

Fees for credit transfer may apply as per our published schedule of fees. Fees for RPL will depend on the number of units applied for, and a price will be supplied on initial enquiry or application for RPL. Students will be advised of any fees or charges upfront

 Replacement or Reissue of Certificates or Statements of Attainment

We charge a fee to replace, print and post any Certificate or Statement of Attainment. All orders and payments can be made on our website here. You should allow 21 days from receipt of a request to delivery.

 Payment Terms

All courses are paid for in advance or on the day at the course venue only with prior approval from International Paramedic College. If you are an approved trading company or organisation who has arranged with us, we may invoice you for training services or product. Any invoice issued by us is payable within 7 days and is subject to this policy. Invoices may be issued and due for payment before provision of training services or product, and this policy applies to all invoiced participants. Late payment of invoices will incur an administration fee for each contact/reminder seeking payment, unless prior payment terms have been arranged in writing. Certificates will not be issued until full payment has been received.

Business or Organisation Course Bookings Policy

When bookings are made by a business or organisation for International Paramedic College to provide on-site or workplace training, these terms and conditions will apply. Any additional terms and conditions will be advised in our quote to you.

Your acceptance of our quote or agreement to conduct training courses is acceptance of our fees and refund policy and the terms and conditions under which we offer training, goods or services.

If we agree to invoice your organisation, then full payment for the agreed amount or day rate is payable upon receipt of the invoice or its due date. This payment refunds and cancellation policy will be applied to any changes in accordance with this policy. Certificates will not be issued until payment is made in full.

Notification of course starts times, location, and student requirements for your staff, is your responsibility.

We will quote you our day rate price based on the number of students attending a course.

Your acceptance of the quoted price, our day rate, and confirmation of training is based on those minimum numbers. If students “fail to attend” for any reason, this is your responsibility.

We will invoice you for the agreed minimum numbers quoted in our day rate when you booked.

We understand that last-minute changes may apply in a dynamic business environment, this will be covered in any quote provided by us to you.

Additional students may always be added by mutual consent and costs adjusted accordingly.

 More Information

Our student handbook outlines our policies and procedures for our students.

Our operations, sales and service policies are also outlined in our Terms and Conditions and refunds payments and cancellations policies.

If you are unhappy with any decision made regarding fees and refunds, then please contact us by email or follow the Complaints and Appeals process available in the student handbook.

 Cooling-off period

For qualifications, e.g. Certificate II III IV or diploma level courses or units of duration exceeding 1 day and a learning contract or training plan was developed or agreed upon with the student, then a five-day cooling-off period whereby the learner can choose to terminate the agreement without penalty and receive a refund in full for your course fee. This does not apply to any payment plan registration fee. After that time, no refund of course fees will apply.


Payment of any administration fee of $35 can be made online here