EMT Medic Paramedical & Transport Courses
First Responder & Patient Transport QualificationsParamedical Pathways
We have a fantastic promotional price on the Diploma of Emergency Health, formerly known as the paramedic diploma.
With us, you can jump straight into the Diploma of Emergency Care to train as a medic or follow a pathway approach as outlined below.
Integration with Higher Qualifications: Pathways to a Diploma of Emergency Health Care
The HLT31220 — Certificate III in Basic Health Care serves as a foundational step towards higher qualifications within the Australian Vocational system. One such qualification is the HLT41120 - Certificate IV in Health Care, which builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired in the Certificate III.
The Certificate IV in Health Care delves deeper into topics such as advanced patient assessment, pharmacology, and clinical interventions. This qualification prepares individuals for more specialised roles within the healthcare system and provides a broader scope of practice.
By completing the Certificate III and progressing to the Certificate IV in Health Care, individuals create a seamless educational pathway that aligns with the paramedical field. This integration allows for the recognition of prior learning and facilitates a smoother transition to higher qualifications, such as the HLT51020 - Diploma of Emergency Health Care.
How to Become a Paramedic: Navigating the Educational Pathway
To become a qualified paramedic in Australia, individuals can follow a clear educational pathway that encompasses several key steps:
Step 1: Obtain the HLT31220 — Certificate III in Basic Health Care as a starting point to gain essential knowledge and skills.
Step 2: Progress to the HLT41120 — Certificate IV in Health Care to further develop your expertise in patient assessment and clinical interventions.
Step 3: Gain practical experience through clinical placements and internships, which are often integrated into the Cert IV paramedical programs.
Step 4: Consider obtaining additional certifications and training in specialised areas such as advanced life support, trauma care, or paediatric paramedicine.
Step 5: Complete the HLT51020 — Diploma of Emergency Health Care to further enhance your skills and
Step 6 Continue onto University confident that this is the career for you and prepared with advanced standing experience and confidence
Our paramedic pathway, and it costs you no more time
With us, you can jump straight into the Diploma of Emergency Care to train as a medic or
Try before you commit to one training provider, who may not be what you thought they were when you sign up for a Diploma with large upfront costs that you never get back.
Use the pathway as a taster program to see if returning to learning is for you.
Get qualifications as you go along to work or transfer to other health related courses with common core units, e.g. Nursing or Aged Care
Do a course written by us and we are proud of it. An Australian Intensive Care Paramedic with significant and some would say “old school approach to paramedic education and real-world patient management skills. We are not a sales team, we are clinicians.
We use an Australian Paramedic Textbook as the core learning material. All assessment tasks are Paramedic-based, not generic health industry content.
Use this as a VET in school's taster program. Our Cert II and Cert III can be completed 100% online. Cert IV and the Diploma require 3 day practical workshops and a pre-practical online primer session.
We are the real deal. A paramedical college run by paramedics with significant clinical and educational experience.
Our educators for these programs are leaders in this field nationally
As the graphic below shows
Start with the subjects in the Cert II medical first response
do 2 more units and to will be issued with the Cert III Basic health care
do 8 more units and get the Cert IV In healthcare
do 2 more unit and get the Diploma of emergency care
No more time and you have a pathway to the Diploma of Emergency Care
Note: With the pathway from Cert IV to Diploma that you will have two 5 Day practical sessions

100% Online Units
Self paced Units - Enrol anytime 100% online completionPractical Required
Online componet but requires practical demonstration of skillsNSW – Queensland – Western Australia – Victoria – Tasmania – Northern Territory – South Australia – ACT