RPL – RCC – Credit Transfer
Fixed Pricing for RPL – Certificate Qualifications
Emergency Medic – Paramedical –
EMT – First Responder
We are the pre-hospital care experts on RPL RCC in Australia
HLT21020 Certificate II in Medical Service First Response $850 Fixed Price RPL
HLT31220 – Certificate III in Basic Health Care $1195 Fixed Price RPL
HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care (First responder EMT Medic) $4495 Fixed Price RPL
HLT51020 Diploma of Emergency Health Care (Paramedical Training) $5995 Fixed Price RPL
(Free initial assessment and/or Zoom chat)
Covers our assessment of your Statements of Attainment qualifications, RPL package you have completed on your knowledge and experience of current competency and evidence that you supply to us. Credit transfer and issue of your new qualification or certificate.
Complete the contact is form below to contact us for your free initial review, evidence requirements and RPL package kits.
The RPL pathway for medics
Before you start down any RPL pathway, let’s have a competency conversation. A “real chat with real paramedics” not a sales team but real people who understand pre-hospital care, we have walked in those shoes. We understand the experience gained and can help channel that along the right pathway, to understand clearly what sort of evidence of your skills knowledge and experience you need to gather to successfully travel seamlessly along a well trodden path to recognition of your experience and dedication to the caring professions.
We all want to be better clinicians and if we see a gap, we will help add to your knowledge and help “flesh it out” in a clinical sense and provide you with the chance to do that “in house” here with clinical support and guidance to round out and build clinical competence and confidence in your skills and judgement.
Who should apply for RPL?
- Event Medics
- Emergency Service Offices
- Ambulance Volunteers
- Private paramedical staff
- Nursing and emergency services staff
- Fire brigade officers
- Rescue and recovery operators
- Mines rescue
or anyone who has experience as a first responder medic role and wants to have that experience formally recognised
What we need to start the RPL Process for Medics
We would like to see your current resume and a copy of your current qualifications and then we will book a zoom/phone call with a paramedic to have a chat with you. This will give both you and us the opportunity to see if you are likely to achieve recognition prior to applying. You can complete the enquiry form below to initiate the process and we will contact you to discuss RPL RCC
If the initial assessment indicates you should proceed with an RPL application, the enrolment process will commence and the fixed fees paid.
You will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI number) for us to proceed with RPL or RCC.
What is Recognition of Prior Learning?
In accordance with the requirements of the NVR Standards and NSW Recognition Framework, International Paramedic College, provides the opportunity for students to apply for recognition of prior learning or RPL as it is commonly called. IPC recognises the AQF definition of RPL:
While it is possible to apply for RPL, it is hardly practical for a short course like first aid/CPR etc. The application time spent, and the costs associated would be several times the cost of the course. RPL for short courses is possible, but not be practical.
What is Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)?
RCC is where you have previously successfully completed the requirements for a unit of competency and are now required (e.g. by a licensing authority employer etc) to be reassessed to ensure that your competency is being maintained. We are experts at RCC for medics and Paramedics EMTs and event medical services
What does Credit Transfer mean?
Credit Transfer is when you hold units with the same national code number as the current qualification. Credit Transfer Recognition is the acceptance of a current Certificate or Statement of Attainment from a Registered Training Organisation for completion of a unit of competence. Please provide us with your current qualifications and a copy of the transcript or unit codes to assess if a credit transfer can be applied. IPC recognises the AQF definition of Credit Transfer:
“Credit transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications”.
Student information is available here
A Credit transfer application form is available here
RPL guidelines
The following guidelines are to be followed during the preparation and application for recognition:
Any student is entitled to apply for recognition in a course or qualification in which they are currently enrolled.
Students may not apply for recognition for units of competence or qualification which are not included in International Paramedic College’s scope of registration.
Whilst students may apply for recognition at any time, they are encouraged to apply before commencing a training program. This will reduce unnecessary training and guide the student down a more efficient path to competence.
Students who are currently enrolled in a training program are eligible to apply for recognition in that program at any time, additional charges may apply.
Recognition may only be awarded for whole units of competence.
What is evidence in RPL?
Recognition acknowledges that workplace skills and knowledge may be gained through various ways, including both formal and informal learning and through work-based or life experience. In evaluating assessment evidence, International Paramedic College Australia applies the following rules that evidence must be:
Authentic and
Like assessment, recognition is a process whereby evidence is collected, and a judgement is made by an assessor or assessment team. The judgement is made on evidence provided by candidates of the skills and knowledge that they have previously learnt through work, study, life and other experiences, and that they are currently using.
It also includes evidence to confirm a candidate’s ability to adapt prior learning or current competence to the context of the intended workplace or industry.
Forms of evidence may include:
Work records and work resume;
Records of workplace training;
Records of previous formal training
Assessments of current skills through observation like performance reports;
Evidence of your scope of practice and copies of any protocols or clinical practice guidelines you have worked under;
Case or patient reports with identifiable data redacted;
Assessments of current knowledge through questioning;
Third-party reports from current and previous supervisors or managers;
Evidence of relevant unpaid or volunteer experience;
Photos and work related newsletters or online news or reviews
Videos or internet examples of your work
Observation by an assessor in the workplace
Performance appraisals
Duty statements, employment contracts, authority to practice.
Many of these forms of evidence would not be sufficient evidence on their own. When combined with several evidence items, the candidate will start to provide a strong case for competence. If there is insufficient evidence, we may ask candidates to complete additional assessment activities, your assessor will notify you of what is required.
Appealing recognition outcomes
If the student is not satisfied with the outcomes of a recognition application, they may appeal the outcome, like other assessment decisions. Further information on the appeals process is available within the Student Information Booklet and International Paramedic College policies on RPL.
Recognition Procedure
The following steps will be applied by International Paramedic College for handling RPL applications:
Step 1: Providing information about your skills and experience
Email us your resume and any relevant qualifications first. We will book a zoom session with the assessor and you to discuss how much relevant and current previous experience you have against the requirements of the unit of competency. You will also be required to indicate if you can supply evidence of your experience. We will have a look at the results of your self-assessment/ Zoom/ Phone call session and get back to you with options for proceeding, these include:
- A full RPL pathway plan
- A blend of RPL and completion of assessment task pathway
- Assessment only pathway
- Training and Assessment pathway
- Any costs or fees associated with RPL
We may ask you to complete a self assessment at this stage.
Step 2:
Providing information – A conversation with the assessor
If you are to proceed with RPL, an IPC Assessor will contact you and discuss the following:
- That you understand the RPL process, i.e. a formal assessment process leading to a qualification
- That you know where to access the RPL process
- Whether there are any special support needs
- You understand and can identify appropriate forms of evidence
- If not ready for RPL, what training may be required
- Any possible initial gaps identified
- Any costs associated with RPL or credit transfer
Step 3:
Candidates compile and submit evidence of prior learning and practical application of skills and knowledge. RPL kits will be supplied so you can organise and collate your evidence to simplify this process.
Step 4:
The Assessors will review your submitted RPL kits and documentation along with any practical evidence against the requirements of the Training Package. If there are gaps in the evidence, the Assessor will indicate which theory and/or practical assessment questions you should complete to meet the gaps or if additional evidence is required and what form that may take.
Step 5:
On evaluation of all the evidence submitted, the Assessor will decide regarding competency and inform you of their decision. If it is found that there are gaps in your prior learning, suitable training options will be discussed, and you will be informed of the additional fee for any practical training.
International Paramedic College understands it has a responsibility to offer Recognition to students and is committed to providing up-to-date and relevant information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) to all students before enrolment and whilst enrolled. To this end, staff will provide support and guidance regarding Recognition enquiries in a timely manner. It is your responsibility to collate and present the appropriate relevant evidence.
We provide students with information about RPL and Credit Transfer pre-enrolment on our website, and in our Student Handbook. Students are also reminded of the opportunity for RPL in our marketing.
Students should note that while credit transfer and RPL for short courses is available, it may not be a time or cost-effective option given the nature of any short courses.
HLT21020 Certificate II in Medical Service First Response $850 Fixed Price RPL
HLT31220 – Certificate III in Basic Health Care $1195 Fixed Price RPL
HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care (First responder EMT Medic) $4495 Fixed Price RPL
HLT51020 Diploma of Emergency Health Care (Paramedical Training) $5995 Fixed Price RPL
(Free initial assessment and/or Zoom chat)
Covers our assessment of your Statements of Attainment qualifications, RPL package you have completed on your knowledge and experience of current competency and evidence that you supply to us. Credit transfer and issue of your new qualification or certificate.
Complete the contact is form below to contact us for your free initial review, evidence requirements and RPL package kits.